Knobjex (short for Knowledge Objects) is an information-manager that uses a networked approach to store information. Any item (or 'knowlegde-object') can have multiple parents and multiple children. Allthough meant to be a knowledge-database, it can hold any type of data. Especially it has been adapted as a PIM-tool for task-management, a calendar, and procedure-management. As opposed to Outlook for example, where tasks and appointments are different things (disappointing i would say), everything is stored in the single table.
Technically, knobjex uses python, wxPython and the open-source database Sqlite thru pysqlite (formerly knobjex connected to an MS Access Database thru an odbc-link with pyodbc). Furthermore the database uses a single table for most of the data to avoid a complex and unmaintainable database (but a lot of queries of course).